
Acer palmatum

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Acer palmatum - Japanese Maple, Japanese Threadleaf Maple, Laceleaf Maple
Common name: Japanese Maple, Japanese Threadleaf Maple, Laceleaf Maple
Family: Sapindaceae (Soapberry)
Synonym: Acer palmatum var. dissectum, Acer palmatum var. dissectum var. atropurpureum
Distribution: Japan; S. Korea; Taiwan; E. China
Habitat: Temperate forests between 100-1100 meters.
Hardiness: -20 - 20 F
Life form: Deciduous tree
Structure: Rounded to broad-rounded
Foliage characteristics: 5, 7, or 9 lobed palmate leaves, 2" to 5" long, arranged oppositely.
Fall color: Yellow, orange, red, or purple
Bloom Time: May
Bloom characteristics: Red or purple
Fruit characteristics: Samaras .5" to .75" long, reddish to green
Bark characteristics: Gray main, twigs shiny green and red
Description: Acer palmatum, commonly known as Japanese Maple, is a widely known ornamental tree with hundreds of cultivars. Both its Latin name and Japanese name (momiji) refer to the hand-like appearance of the tree’s five, seven, or nine pointed leaves. This tree commonly grows from 10 to 25 feet tall, but can also reach 40 feet in height - though it is also a popular choice as a bonsai tree. Currently, red varieties of this tree are most popular.
Links: GRIN Taxonomy - Simple Query Species DataMissouri Botanical Garden Plant FinderUniversity of Connecticut Plant Database


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