
Calanthe tricarinata

Calanthe tricarinata - The Three Keeled Calanthe, Monkey Orchid
Common name: The Three Keeled Calanthe, Monkey Orchid
Family: Orchidaceae subfam. Epidendroideae (Orchid)
Distribution: N Pakistan to Temp E Asia
Habitat: damp, grassy banks in mixed forests; 1500-3300m
Life form: Terrestrial
Bloom Time (northern hemisphere): March to July
Bloom characteristics: Erect inflorescence is 12-20" long with 8-12 green flowers with a red-brown lip. Flowers are 1.2-2" across.
Pollination syndrome: Bee (Bombus patagiatus), food deception
Medicinal/pharmaceutical: In Nepal, a paste made from the leaves has been used as an application for sores and eczema. The leaves and pseudobulbs are also used as an aphrodisiac.
Comments: Calanthe tricarinata
Links: Academic JournalsKew World Checklist of Selected Plant FamiliesResearch Gate


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