
Quercus shumardii

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Quercus shumardii - Shumard Oak
Common name: Shumard Oak
Family: Fagaceae (Beech)
Distribution: S Ontario to C and E USA
Habitat: Near streams or on dry uplands
Hardiness: -20 - 30 F
Life form: Deciduous tree
Average height: 40-60'
Bloom Time: April
Structure: Inmature: pyramidal Mature: broad, open
Foliage characteristics: Simple, alternate, ovate leaves are shiny dark green with 7-9 deep, spiny lobes. Leaves are 4-8" long.
Fall color: Brown-red
Bloom characteristics: Yellow catkins
Fruit characteristics: Acorn is .5-1" long, with a cap that covers 1/4 of the nut. Acorn matures in 2 years.
Bark characteristics: Grey bark matures into plates and fissures.
Description: Threatened in Maryland and Endangered in Pennsylvania.
Links: Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant FamiliesOaks of the WorldUS Forest Service


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