
Guarianthe bowringiana ('Dr. Kopecky' × 'Splendens')

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Guarianthe bowringiana ('Dr. Kopecky' × 'Splendens') - Bowring's Guarianthe clone
Common name: Bowring's Guarianthe clone
Family: Orchidaceae subfam. Epidendroideae (Orchid)
Synonym: Cattleya bowringiana 'Dr. Kopecky' × C. bowringiana 'Splendens'
Distribution: Mexico (Chiapas) to Honduras
Habitat: Granite outcroppings, limestone near streams; 100-1000m
Life form: Lithophytic
Bloom characteristics: Inflorescence is up to 10" long with 5-20 short-lived, purple flowers (as many as 47 have been recorded). Flowers are 3" across.
Bloom Time (northern hemisphere): September to December; peaks from October to November
Comments: Guarianthe bowringiana


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