
Cattleya milleri

Cattleya milleri - Miller's Cattleya, Miller's Laelia
Common name: Miller's Cattleya, Miller's Laelia
Family: Orchidaceae subfam. Epidendroideae (Orchid)
Synonym: Laelia milleri, Sophronitis milleri
Distribution: Brazil (Minas Gerais)
Habitat: Iron ore outcroppings; 800-1300m
Life form: Lithophytic
Foliage characteristics: Unifoliate; dark green tinged with purple
Bloom characteristics: Erect inflorescence is 12-18" long with 6-12 successively opening red flowers. Flowers are 2" across.
Bloom Time (northern hemisphere): April to June; peaks in May
Pollination syndrome: Likely bird
Description: Although this miniature orchid was not described until 1960, after much of the orchid mania of the 1800s and early 1900s had died down, it was not spared from over collecting. C. milleri is considered rare or possibly even extinct in its limited native range because of over collecting and habitat destruction from strip mining. This beautiful red to orange flowered orchid, discovered by a Brazilian botanist growing near rocky iron mines, may now only exist in collections.
Comments: Cattleya milleri
Links: Internet Orchid Species Photo EncyclopediaKew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families


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