
Dendrobium farmeri

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Dendrobium farmeri - Farmer's Dendrobium, Farmer's Orchid
Common name: Farmer's Dendrobium, Farmer's Orchid
Family: Orchidaceae subfam. Epidendroideae (Orchid)
Synonym: Dendrobium farmeri 'Pink'
Distribution: C Himalaya to Peninsular Malaysia
Habitat: Evergreen lowland and montane forests; 150-1000m
Life form: Epiphytic
Bloom characteristics: Pendant inflorescence is 8" long and densly flowerd in white blooms with yellow centers. Flowers are 1.2-2" across and can last 2-3 weeks.
Fragrance: Sweet
Description: Rather than farmers, this medium sized orchid is named for the man in whom’s greenhouse it first bloomed in England in the mid-1800s.
Comments: Dendrobium farmeri
Links: Internet Orchid Species Photo EncyclopediaKew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families


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