
Dendrobium densiflorum

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Dendrobium densiflorum - The Densely Flowered Dendrobium, Pineapple Orchid
Common name: The Densely Flowered Dendrobium, Pineapple Orchid
Family: Orchidaceae subfam. Epidendroideae (Orchid)
Synonym: Dendrobium clavatum, Dendrobium densiflorum var. alba
Distribution: C Himalaya to Hainan
Habitat: Moss covered trunks and branchs; 1000-1830m
Life form: Epiphytic
Bloom Time (northern hemisphere): February to August; peaks in April
Bloom characteristics: Pendent inflorescence is 7-10" long with 50-100 orange flowers with a darker orange, velvety center. Flowers are 2" across and last 1-2 weeks.
Fragrance: Honey
Ethnobotanical uses: In India, this plant was used in perfumes and as an aphrodisiac.
Medicinal/pharmaceutical: In Nepal, pulp from the pseudobulbs has been used to treat pimples and boils.
Description: This small to medium sized orchid is spectacular when in bloom, with densely flowered, pendant clusters of sweet-smelling blossoms. The flower’s lip is also interesting for being extremely fuzzy. Several other orchids are often mis-identified as this one, making descriptions of D. densiflorum’s habitat occasionally confusing.
Comments: Dendrobium densiflorum
Links: eFloras.orgInternet Orchid Species Photo EncyclopediaKew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families


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